Thursday, July 24, 2014

First Airplane Ride!

Sully and I ventured into the airport way too early on Saturday, July 19th. Sully woke up at three (on his own) and was totally psyched that he actually was allowed to get up and play. Why can't we do this every morning, Mom?, I'm sure was going through his head.

I had already showered and been ready by that point, and the next hour was spent getting Sully ready. Getting puked on. Getting Sully ready again. Packing up the car. And finally we hit the road and arrived at the airport just shy of 5 AM.

Amazingly enough, there were already lines. And of course, even at the ass-crack of dawn, Sully was a rockstar, smiling and charming everyone within a 25 ft radius. The kid has super powers. No one is ever rude or annoying when he's around.

Going through security was surprisingly easy. Sully was hanging out in the ErgoBaby, and I didn't even have to take him out. We made it through in about five minutes and waited to board.

I was pretty nervous about flying with Sully. He'd been sick, was still not 100% better, and we were going to be over 20,000 feet up in the air, stuck in a little chair with zero leg room and a tiny aisle that his diaper bag could barely fit through. And he was sitting in my lap. Soooo, even less room.

But it went just fine. I sat next to a guy who had his two boys there (they were around 7 and 9 if I had to guess), and he kinda talked me down from my train-wreckishness when Sully started fussing. He said nobody really cared, and if they did, they should remember that they were babies once too. He also said Sully would probably behave better than his kids, so I had nothing to worry about. Haha.

Sully slept a little, then awoke to make noises and raspberries as loud as he could, earning him some pilot's wings, and we landed in one piece. Okay.

I can do this!

At that point, I wasn't nervous anymore. There was a guy that kept looking back at me on the second flight because Sully refused to be mature and use his six inch voice. Sorry. There's only so much you can do for an eight month old. Sometimes, they are just gunna do what they're gunna do.

The flights back were much easier. Sully slept the whole first flight and he just hung out and played the second flight. People were surprised that there was a baby on board. He farted a few times, earning a surprised look from the guy sitting next me. If you've heard Sully fart, you know he sounds like a grown-ass man, so it wasn't exactly hidden under the roar of the plane's engine.

"Excuse you!!", I said, laughing out loud. They probably thought it was me, because how can that sound come from such a little butt?

Of course, he still charmed all the passengers sitting around us, smiling at one lady and turning the huge dude next to us into a pile of goo. He even let Sully play with his watch. With Sully around, my faith in humanity rises a few notches.

All in all, it went very well. Thank goodness for the ErgoBaby. Would choose it over a stroller any day because I have access to my two hands that were essential to carry our bag and our tickets.

A couple of things I'm glad I brought, in case you plan to travel with a baby soon...

  • A couple of extra onesies.
  • Sani-Hands - these little sanitary wipes for kids (like hand sanitizer in a towel)
  • Extra formula (what if we got delayed?? Gave me peace of mind.)
  • Binkie (kept his ears from popping)
  • Harry Potter (I'm reading it to Sully, so I could either do that if he got fussy, or read if he fell asleep.)
  • A sweater for Sully - it's summer, but those airplanes get freakin cold after just a few minutes. 
  • Binkie wipes (You won't always have easy access to rinse those damn things off)

Now we've got the real test - our flight to Texas in just a couple of weeks. Thank goodness Sully's daddy will be there.  Could you imagine a 3+ hour flight with a baby? By yourself? In a little uncomfortable chair? We'll be able to play "Pass the Sully Bear" and keep him happy between the two of us. I hope.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Long time no....

See. Talk. Write. Share.

Basically, it's been a while. I didn't mean to let The Chronicles of Sully go silent for a little while, but that's what happened. Slap my hand.

Sully and I have been going back and forth with colds for what feels like two months. He's sick, then I'm sick, so my whole world has revolved around Vicks, disgusting cold medicine, eradicating evil boogies, and getting up in the middle of the night to soothe a poor little coughing man.

The difference between Sully and I is when he's sick, he bounces back. When I get what he has, I get it tenfold plus some and it's taken me two+ weeks to recover each time. This past time, I actually truly had a horrific ear infection that required the highest dose of antibiotics the doc could give. Who freakin gets an ear infection over five years old? But hopefully, we are at the end of what I will call the dark, dark times of the Sully Plague. <enter dramatic music>

I don't really know what I want to say in this post, only that I wanted to be active on this blog again. Sully's the most important thing in my life, so having his Chronicles go silent is something I couldn't stand.

How about some updates for those who live far away? Which is most of our family...

Sully is well on his way towards crawling. The kid looks like he's doing Downward Facing Dog on a regular basis. (It's a yoga pose that requires the ability to lift yourself up on your hands and toes.) Yeah, he's not just getting up on his hands and knees, he's full-on planking.

Eventually, I will be quick enough to grab a video of His Royal Cuteness rocking back and forth, thinking, "Okay. I'm up. I'm up. And I'm moving. And I'm moving again. But I'm not going anywhere. WTF? Why Am I Not GOING ANYWHERE?" *Frustrated Yell* *Falls back to Cobra position* (another yoga term...)

AHHH, the frustration of wanting to do something, but not knowing quite how to get there. I won't tell him that that'll happen for the rest of his life... It might all be just too much.

Also, he's grabbing for anything he can reach. Literally. ANYTHING. Who knew napkin rings could be so amazingly interesting? The wonderful thing about babies: everything is beautiful. We should watch them more and follow their lead. Seriously. The world would be a better place.

What else?? OH! He's always been totally aware. Eerily so. But lately he's been very clingy to people. Like when his Papaw was holding him, and Taylor went to grab him... Sully wanted nothing to do with that. He buried his face into Papaw's neck, yelled something that definitely sounded like a protest, and clung to his grandfather for dear life. If it were possible, we would have been cleaning up the giant puddle of lovey goo that my dad turned into. It was awesome.

I wish I had all these great photos of fireworks and Sully looking at them in awe, but honestly, we sat inside and watched The Hobbit. I was too sick, my mom was sick, Sully still had a cough. Screw fireworks. God Bless 'Murica and all that goodness, but screw fireworks this year. Next year will be more fun anyway.


So I stepped away from this post for a moment because Taylor walked in, and you know how he likes to talk, so there was no way I'd get any writing done ;). Now I'm watching him attempt to make a turkey sandwich (while still talking... "Do you have any Gray Poupon?"... what else do you say while making a turkey sandwich?) and Sully is sleeping and I have an IPA in my favorite beer glass.

Life is pretty much where it needs to be.

Think I'll end on that note.
